CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] servo question

Posted by Terry Owens
on 2004-02-13 08:03:43 UTC

Yes, what you ask is possible but is probably a complete waste of time
without very high resolution scales. A servo motor has the encoder either on
the leadscrew or, more often, the back of the motor.

If we assume you are using 5 threads/inch leadscrews with a reduction of 3:1
gearing of the servo to leadscrew and an encoder of 400 cpr this would add
up to many more pulses for positional control than could be derived from the
linear scales of a DRO. I would think it possible to acheive a DRO from the
product of a servo rather than servo control from a DRO. However I have not
looked into doing this and I don't think this question has ever come up on
this list before.



> If a servo system is basicaly DC motors controlled by positional
> feedback
> could you not use DRO's for this to drive DC motors or is there a
> fundimental flaw in my thinking?
> If I am right is there a particular software/hardware system that
> would facilitate this best
> Could I still get a visible readout?
> Would a particular DRO be better to facilitate this
> waiting your answers with baited breath
> emconut

Discussion Thread

emconut 2004-02-13 06:36:42 UTC servo question Tony Jeffree 2004-02-13 07:06:45 UTC Motor sizing Terry Owens 2004-02-13 08:03:43 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] servo question Art Eckstein 2004-02-13 09:05:13 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] servo question Jon Elson 2004-02-13 09:34:50 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] servo question Ray Henry 2004-02-13 09:48:40 UTC Re: servo question Andy Wander 2004-02-13 10:04:56 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] servo question