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Re: Announcement, A New Picture Engraving Program

Posted by Fred Smith
on 2004-03-17 15:52:56 UTC
--- In, "cncnovice" <crcitser@g...>

> I believe that PicEngrave may generate a more compact gcode file
> other similar programs presently available.

There are about 20-30 or these kind of programs available on the
internet. Can you tell us what distinguishes yours from the others?

>I have tested it with
> Win98 SE and WinXP Home and TurboCNC. As PicEngrave is improved,
> registered users will be allowed to download new versions at no
> additional cost as long as the program is in beta development.
> Registered users will also receive a substantial discount in the
> price of the final version, which will be distributed only on CDs.

Fred Smith - IMService

Discussion Thread

cncnovice 2004-03-17 01:33:20 UTC Announcement, A New Picture Engraving Program eferg2001 2004-03-17 09:50:37 UTC Re: Announcement, A New Picture Engraving Program Fred Smith 2004-03-17 15:52:56 UTC Re: Announcement, A New Picture Engraving Program