CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Cheap DC servos for a Sherline/10,000RPM sherline spindle

Posted by Abby Katt
on 2004-03-26 04:01:07 UTC
Hello again my ever helpful machining allies! :)

Well, I finally cracked and ordered some nice gecko servo DC drivers.
I'm still using a sherline mill at the moment, but expect to be
buying a nice big mill to convert to CNC later on this year, so these
drivers go well with that migration plan (plus, I'm nearly done
hacking my sherline spindle to put out 10K RPM rather than the meager
2800RPM default) so I need some more cutting speed than the very
limiting 1ft(300MM)/min that my steppers have been (un)reliably
giving me.

My question is this: where can I find a cheap source of DC servo's
that will be well-suited for good speed on my sherline? I don't want
to spend a fortune here, I just want something that's well and better
than my current steppers for the time being, until I get my big mill
setup. .. yes.. I've checked Ebay too, but not much there is
available to the United Kingdom.


Discussion Thread

Abby Katt 2004-03-26 04:01:07 UTC Cheap DC servos for a Sherline/10,000RPM sherline spindle Fred Smith 2004-03-26 06:03:28 UTC Re: Cheap DC servos for a Sherline/10,000RPM sherline spindle ballendo 2004-03-26 06:03:34 UTC Re: Cheap DC servos for a Sherline/10,000RPM sherline spindle Peter Renolds 2004-03-26 08:23:00 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Cheap DC servos for a Sherline/10,000RPM sherline spindle Fred Smith 2004-03-26 09:50:44 UTC Re: Cheap DC servos for a Sherline/10,000RPM sherline spindle