CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by Ron Ginger
on 2000-05-04 13:15:55 UTC
>I think the point Fred is trying to make is that CNC is not always the best
>choice. Considering the business he is in (selling CAD/CAM software) I think
>it is pretty honorable that he would point out that using the cranks can
>sometimes be a much faster may to get specific jobs done. OTOH, as you point
>out Jon there are jobs that can't be done as efficiently or at all with
>manual methods.

This is simply because Fred is selling the wrong software for this
problem. Yes, he is completly correct that using a CAD/CAM system to do
simple operations is slow. Thats my point entirely with CPNC- use a
system DESIGNED to let you do simple things on a CNC machine. When/if
you need to do complicated things use a CAD/CAM system.

I have a friend with a big Lagun Mill nad an AcuRite control. He NEVER
turns the crank, not even to move the table to clean chips- he cant
crank as fast as AcuRite moves. For a part with one single drilled and
tapped hole you might be able to move almost as fast manually, but as
soon as you have even 2 holes to drill a CPNC system wins over manual
hands down.

Some of you at NAMES many have seen his one-off curved spoke flywheel on
a miser hot-air engine. Fred, would you like to do that on your
Bridgeport with cranks :-) It did take him a few minutes to do that on

And while we are on AcuRite note that it is a 2D machine, and part of
why simple jobs are faster there is because there is no motor on the Z-
raising and lowering a quill to change from center drill to drill to
drill to reamer is a big pain with a Z motor. That is exactly why my
Grizzley mini mill will not get a z motor.

Keep firmly in mind I am trying to build a CPNC machine to do a limited
set of jobs, but to do them well and very simply. It is not part of the
plan to eliminate any CAD/CAM systems.


Discussion Thread

Ray Henry 2000-05-04 11:24:05 UTC CPNC Ron Ginger 2000-05-04 13:15:55 UTC RE: CPNC Ron Ginger 2000-05-04 14:02:52 UTC RE: CPNC Dan Falck 2000-05-04 16:17:52 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RE: CPNC Ron Ginger 2000-05-05 07:17:53 UTC Re: CPNC Ron Ginger 2000-05-07 18:23:21 UTC Re: CPNC Ray Henry 2000-05-08 06:30:42 UTC Re: CPNC Ron Ginger 2000-05-13 18:22:22 UTC Re: CPNC