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acceleration, was:Re: Another router video..

on 2006-06-02 13:57:07 UTC
Well, I jacked it up a little:

Velocity: 65.535" per second or 1.664 meters per second
Motor speed: 3,932 RPM
Accel time: 0.0853 seconds
Accel rate: 2 G
Distance moved: 20.000" or 0.508 meters
Move time: 0.392 seconds
Avg velocity: 51.02" per second or 1.296 meters per second
Avg motor speed: 3,061 RPM
Out and back time: 0.784 seconds

This will be a very short video.:-)


--- In, "Elliot Burke" <elliot@...>
> Marliss,
> Just for fun I ran these numbers on your motor:
> top speed 50 inches/second
> travel 24 inches
> time 0.5 second
> Assuming constant acceleration up to 50 inches/second, then
constant speed
> after that, two equations can be written:
> 1/2 a t^2 + 50(1/2-t) = 24 and a t = 50.
> Solving these simultaneously gives a = 1250 inches/second^2 and t
= .04
> second.
> 1250 inches/second^2 is about 3 g. So the motor accelerates for 40
ms at 3
> g and then coasts at constant speed for the remaining 460 ms.
> If the size of the screw and the mass of the stage it was moving
were known,
> it would be easy to calculate how much power was being applied by
the motor.
> This would say something about the efficiency of the drive if the
> power were known.
> If you kept the acceleration constant at 1250 inches/second^2, the
> would travel the 24" in 200 ms, reaching a velocity of 245
inches/second or
> 14700 inches/minute.
> regards-
> Elliot

Discussion Thread

Elliot Burke 2006-06-02 11:30:48 UTC acceleration, was:Re: Another router video.. Mariss Freimanis 2006-06-02 13:57:07 UTC acceleration, was:Re: Another router video.. Elliot Burke 2006-06-02 16:44:43 UTC re:acceleration, was:Re: Another router video.. Mariss Freimanis 2006-06-02 18:51:46 UTC re:acceleration, was:Re: Another router video.. Dan Mauch 2006-06-02 21:06:37 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:acceleration, was:Re: Another router video..