CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Software options

on 2006-06-26 06:35:34 UTC
Reply to Message #88372
Lester, you've started another great discussion. What caught me eye
is when you said, "machining for the jewelry trade". From this I
assume that you are aiming at making complex art, jewelry,
engraving. I went thru the same decision process to determine what
software would I buy to do, amongst other things, 3D sculpting.

By coincidence I was going thru the cable TV channels, and came
across a jewelry sales show that was selling cameo necklaces
(discounted) to $900. The cameos are hand sculpted by an artist,
who was on the show demonstrating the technique.

While watching this I thought, I can do that with my CNC mill, and
the software I purchased. My purchase decision criteria emphasized
price/value, interoperability, free after sale consultation to
resolve problems I may have, and very reasonable price for major
software upgrades. I also read, for months, the discussions and
user coments on various software I was considering. Once I narrowed
down the field I contacted the companies and carried on a discussion
to see how supportive and responsive they were.

I segmented the softwares between commercial and hobby, ability to
do CAD and CAM, and software aimed at conventional machine part
design, and art work design and machining.

I purchased Virtual Sculptor 3D, from Designs Computed. Daniel Carr
used the VS-3D software, which he created, to design, and create G-
code to machine entries to the various US State quarter contests a
few years ago. His designs won for some states, and the US Mint
implemented his designs. The software is both CAD and CAM designed
to do sophisticated sculpting, "engraving", and other specialized
functions with specialized software tools.

Some information about Virtual Sculptor VS3D and VScad3 follows:
VScad3 can import STL and DXF.
VScad3 can export STL, DXF, and VS3D formats.

VS3D can import bitmapped (.tif, .jpg, etc.), ASCII point cloud
files, and VS3D formats.
VS3D can export STL, bitmapped (.tif, .jpg, etc.), VS3D formats, and
G-code with customizable post-processing.

The CAD capability can:
Capture bit mapped images and convert them to G-code, with Z axis
proportional to grey scale contrast (also handles color).
The Z axis proportionality can be adjusted to achieve the artistic
effect desired in the 3D sculpted images.
Convert from bitmapped to vector images.
Example tutorials can be found at, click
on "Virtual Sculptor VS3D/VScad3 Software", click on "VS3D Image
Embossing/Engraving Tutorial", scroll down a few frames to see the
image that is being sculpted.
Take a look at the other tutorials and see the other capabalities of
the software. Such as VS3D Sculpting/Machining/Carving
Examples", "Machining/Engraving brass with an S&W machine (Nevada
design). Go back to the home page and click on "Coin Designs by
Daniel Carr and VS3D" to see the coins.
Yes it also does True Type Font engraving, pocketed or raised, with
centering function.

Some of the other functionality of VS3D is capture the outline of a
grey scale, or color bit mapped image automatically, and convert to
black and white, vector image.

Use "hammering" and "region-of-interest" tools to perform virtual 3-
D relief sculpting.

VS3D's tool path calculations take into account full 3-D shape of
the cutting bit, and surface being cut, so as to achieve the best
possible path. 3-D tool path types include traverse, peck, radial,
spiral, and contour.

Proposed tool paths are shown as a full 3-D preview, which shows
what the piece will look like after each step in the process from
rough cut to final finish.

Well Lester, I hope this look at VS3D is useful to your decision

Bill Perun

Discussion Thread

Lester Caine 2006-06-25 01:12:37 UTC Software options wthomas@g... 2006-06-25 05:14:57 UTC W.E.T. [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Software options turbulatordude 2006-06-25 05:46:01 UTC Re: Software options Harko Schwartz 2006-06-25 06:25:09 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options Philip Burman 2006-06-25 08:15:39 UTC Re: Software options Lester Caine 2006-06-25 11:29:42 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options Lester Caine 2006-06-25 11:31:43 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options Stephen Wille Padnos 2006-06-25 11:37:35 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options Ken Ferrell 2006-06-25 14:48:59 UTC Re: Software options Philip Burman 2006-06-25 17:38:10 UTC Re: Software options Lester Caine 2006-06-25 23:46:39 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options Lester Caine 2006-06-26 01:16:07 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options William Perun Sr 2006-06-26 06:35:34 UTC Re: Software options Peter Reilley 2006-06-26 07:07:41 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options Lester Caine 2006-06-26 07:14:55 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options Lester Caine 2006-06-26 07:37:06 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options Philip Burman 2006-06-26 11:06:44 UTC Re: Software options zephyr9900@c... 2006-06-26 11:10:13 UTC Re: Software options Peter Linss 2006-06-28 01:04:51 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options Lester Caine 2006-06-28 02:18:14 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options Peter Linss 2006-06-28 20:17:50 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options