CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Lights and lenses, the poor mans laser?

on 2006-08-08 04:17:42 UTC
You can melt all kinds of things with lamps, I use a 500W halogen lamp
for a small vac former. But unfortunately you can't get the focus
required for cutting and its a matter of source size not the optics.
You want something very small and very bright or collimated.


Discussion Thread

Thomas J Powderly 2006-08-07 21:20:03 UTC Re: stepper EDM Graham Stabler 2006-08-08 02:11:07 UTC Re: stepper EDM Abby Katt 2006-08-08 03:45:09 UTC Lights and lenses, the poor mans laser? Graham Stabler 2006-08-08 04:17:42 UTC Re: Lights and lenses, the poor mans laser? lcdpublishing 2006-08-08 06:16:50 UTC Re: Vacuum Forming --- Was--->Lights and lenses, the poor mans laser? wthomas@g... 2006-08-08 07:41:24 UTC W.E.T. [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Vacuum Forming --- Was--->Lights and lenses, the poor mans laser? Graham Stabler 2006-08-08 10:42:55 UTC Re: Vacuum Forming --- Was--->Lights and lenses, the poor mans laser? lcdpublishing 2006-08-08 11:19:21 UTC Re: Vacuum Forming --- Was--->Lights and lenses, the poor mans laser?