CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: ini file location on Sherline EMC

Posted by Keith Bowers
on 2006-10-19 07:50:33 UTC
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 10:28 pm, Jon Elson wrote:
<snip> I digress on this, but what I was intending to convey was that Sherline
> shouldn't
> really be responsible for supporting Linux network configuration
> topics. The
> BDI or other install system ought to do a bit better at this. (I'm not
> saying this
> is Paul Corner's fault, either. Linux just ought to have better
> utilities for this,
> and maybe they do, I just don't know about it.)

Speaking of networking emc boxes.
I installed Ubuntu 6.06 and Emc2 on an old P3-450 w/368MB recently in
preparation to fixing up an old NC mill. I want to be able to run things on
the shop computer from my Linux box in the house, so I set out to bring up
Xterm. House to shop connection is 10MB fiber. The install wasn't quite

Here's what I did:
- Be sure you are connected to the Internet or at least have the Install CD
- Set the shop box up with a fixed IP address (
The house box is
- Had to install Netkit-inet and telnet client and server
(telnet didn't call up a dependency for inetd)
- Installed ftp client and server to ease file movement while I was at it
(I'm behind a hardware firewall and didn't want to mess with ssh right now)
You get to the installer from the upper right corner of the screen select
Applications > Add/Remove
Select Advanced at the bottom of the window
Check each application to install and go for it.
- Enter each box in the other's /etc/hosts file.
I entered the shop machine as emc and the house machine as mdk
- Execute the command 'xhost +' on the house machine
- Telnet to the shop machine
telnet mdk
enter username and password as appropriate
then execute the following, case-sensitive commands:
DISPLAY=mdk:0.0;export DISPLAY
xterm &
A new window pops up on the house machine and away I go.

I can now enter data, run CAD programs, etc. on the shop machine from the
house just like I was in the shop. The house machine is a P3-450 also. After
making the connection I don't see any speed difference between running
locally and remotely. I do hvae an occassional segmentation fault with the
gschem schematic capture software. Hopefully 6.10 with the latest version of
geda will fix that.

I'm going to install 6.10 beta on the house machine in the next cople of days.
I'm retired and have other computers so if it has problems no sweat 8o)

Hopefully someone will find this useful.
Keith Bowers - Thomasville, NC

Discussion Thread

timgoldstein 2006-10-18 08:45:33 UTC ini file location on Sherline EMC Jon Elson 2006-10-18 10:26:11 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] ini file location on Sherline EMC timgoldstein 2006-10-18 13:11:58 UTC Re: ini file location on Sherline EMC Jon Elson 2006-10-18 19:30:40 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: ini file location on Sherline EMC Keith Bowers 2006-10-19 07:50:33 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: ini file location on Sherline EMC