CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Free pcb cutter

Posted by Andrew Abken
on 2006-11-08 13:47:20 UTC
Hello All,

I have been milling pcbs at home for about 3years now, and have
developed a tool that I think works really well. I call this one a
spade mill, it has a 60deg point angle and can mill a path in copper
clad to .01 thou of an inch with no problems. Made of micrograin
carbide on an 1/8 inch shank, it holds up very well, and I think I
can produce these for less than what is now available to the hobby
pcb millers out there.

I am interested to know if any of you have used tools that look like
this before.

If you have not, and would like to try one, let me know off list at
kn6za@... and I will send you a FREE one to try out. I just
ask that you provide me with some feedback on how it worked for you,
relative to what you have used before.

I have posted this on several other group sites already so I have a
very limited supply to hand out for free so first come first serve.

I have a picture of the tool setup on
check it out

I hope this info can help others who are milling circuit boards at

Andrew Abken

Discussion Thread

Andrew Abken 2006-11-08 13:47:20 UTC Free pcb cutter Mark Vaughan 2006-11-08 14:19:04 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Free pcb cutter