Re: Help With a Drawing, GCode.
Posted by
John Stevenson
on 2007-03-05 15:19:27 UTC
--- In, "aclausing2003"
<alswishis@...> wrote:
and what machine it's for.
Also what tools you intend to use etc.
John S.
<alswishis@...> wrote:
>Email it to john [ at] and say what you want
> Hi ALL,
> Been awhile since I have posted,just show's how well things are
> going,but have run into a problem, and wondering if someone could lend
> a hand. I have a drawing,and it is TOO Big, I tried to resize,and to
> no avail. I don't have too many tools to work with,as of CAD, and have
> tried everything that is avalable to me,but am Stumped. The drawing
> and GCode are almost 7.0000 X 4.???? and need it to be as close to
> 3.5000 on the 7.0000 dimention. I have run out of things to try, and
> tool usage, CAD. Can anyone give me a point in a direction, or at
> least look at the file and see if it can be done. I'm just not too
> familure with what or how to do it, or even if it can be done. Also
> where can I put the file, or I could e-mail. Thanks Much, Hank S.
and what machine it's for.
Also what tools you intend to use etc.
John S.
Discussion Thread
2007-03-05 15:08:42 UTC
Help With a Drawing, GCode.
John Stevenson
2007-03-05 15:19:27 UTC
Re: Help With a Drawing, GCode.
2007-03-06 06:00:15 UTC
Re: Help With a Drawing, GCode.
2007-03-06 07:59:50 UTC
Re: Help With a Drawing, GCode.