CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Re: OK - you convinced me - was "Automated "Manual CNC"

on 2000-10-06 21:45:13 UTC
Ray wrote:

> > Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 15:13:30 -0400
> > From: "Matt Shaver" <mshaver@...>
> >
> > > You are absolutely correct that the zipslack install comes very close to
> > > the BDI that we posted about a while back. Just don't try it on the old
> > > 16 bit win95 aka 3.1+ system or on one sporting the new ME upgrade.
> >
> > Why? I've tried it on 32 bit Win95 and it works fine, I'm just wondering what
> > the problem would be. Long filenames?
> Yep. With the 16 bit win 95, the filenames get scrambled in the unzip.
> IMHO - ME will not boot to anything like a dos system 'cause there is none
> and the ZipSlack Linux runs from the real dos prompt.
> Ray


It's not that there isn't a dos system, Microsoft just hid it from you for your own good.
You have no business getting in there and typing commands :) I'm not sure if anyone
really knows why Microsoft does these things, but since it is based on the WIN9X
kernel it was only a matter of time before someone got in there and hacked it. The link
below will show you how to modify io.sys and so you can press the F8
key on startup and boot dos.


BTW I don't have ME so I have not tried this.

Discussion Thread

Ron Ginger 2000-10-06 07:36:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: re:OK - you convinced me - was "Automated "Manual CNC" Brian Collier 2000-10-06 11:08:57 UTC Re: re:OK - you convinced me - was "Automated "Manual CNC" Ron Ginger 2000-10-06 11:34:11 UTC Re:OK - you convinced me - was "Automated "Manual CNC" dave engvall 2000-10-06 16:05:59 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: re:OK - you convinced me - was "Automated "Manual CNC" William Scalione 2000-10-06 21:45:13 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Re: OK - you convinced me - was "Automated "Manual CNC" Jon Elson 2000-10-06 21:55:36 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: re:OK - you convinced me - was "Automated "Manual CNC"