CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by Jon Elson
on 2000-12-22 15:47:21 UTC
PMeinhard@... wrote:

> Hi Jon !
> Why set up the kinematics ? I just want to drive a "simple" 5-axis-mashine ,
> no Hexapod and no robot.

Well, I suppose you could do it that way. You'd have to create a dummy set
of routines to pass all the translations and rotations through, the way it
is done for 3-axis machines now.

> 3 linear axis ( X,Y,Z) and two rotary axis (B,C ). The wright kinematic is
> figured out by the postprocessor of the programming system.
> Using G01 X100 Y50 Z30 B10 C20 all axis should start and finish their way at
> the same time. X,Y,Z moving in mm, B,C in degrees.
> With the ZIPEMC-CD I was told it works only 3-axis interpolating, 4th Axis
> only in "Jog".
> Then, perhaps 6 weeks ago (or so) someone announced EMC would now be working
> for 5 (or 6?) axis.
> But the newest EMC - Version I can find is older than that.

Yes, I think the people who are updating the linuxcnc site are a bit
behind in getting the latest version out. You could treat the rotary
axes the same as if they were linear axes. This might be an
advantage if there are cables that must be kept from getting wound
up too many turns on the stacked rotary axis.

Well, what I said was true - you will have to supply the kinematics routines,
or the additional axes will not move. But, if you are making 'dumb'
kinematics, the routines are practically empty. This has some big
implications in robot-type machines, where certain moves may require
impossible velocities in some joints, but it should not be a difficulty
in the type arrangement you describe.

Once you have any version of EMC running, switching to a different version
is usually a simple task.


Discussion Thread

PMeinhard@a... 2000-12-21 14:11:15 UTC 5-Axis-EMC Jon Elson 2000-12-21 14:45:52 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] 5-Axis-EMC PMeinhard@a... 2000-12-22 00:54:01 UTC 5-Axis-EMC Brian Pitt 2000-12-22 01:56:30 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] 5-Axis-EMC Jon Elson 2000-12-22 15:47:21 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] 5-Axis-EMC Ray 2000-12-22 20:39:25 UTC RE: 5-Axis-EMC Jon Elson 2000-12-22 22:12:20 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RE: 5-Axis-EMC Ray 2000-12-23 06:47:39 UTC Re: RE: 5-Axis-EMC PMeinhard@a... 2000-12-23 12:21:02 UTC 5-Axis-EMC Jon Elson 2000-12-23 22:29:49 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] 5-Axis-EMC