CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

re:re:Compucut ?

Posted by ballendo@y...
on 2000-12-31 20:13:15 UTC
Quinn wrote:
>Rab, You have had some great answers, and I would just like to add a
>few lines about what we are up to at compucut.


Thank you for speaking up! Good to know that my 'opinions' weren't
too far off the mark :-)

(more snips, inserts below)

>I personally think the HPGL, Gcode debate is a bit of a red herring,
>they are both ways of using information, and it is motor steps on
>the machine that are important.

Agreed, but only because you said "a bit of". How do you get the 3D
data into HPGL (I don't mean file format, I mean what or who writes
the additional file parameters and commands for 3D use of your system.

>Once you have done a bit of CNC and are happy that you can drive
>steppers, I think the interesting areas are data entry, and machine

Yes, I believe these are the 2 most develop-able parts of low cost

>It is this data aquisition phase that will vary depending on what
>you want to do. The compucut program will move in relative, and
>absolute 3d moves, but it is up to the user to drive it.

Could you tell us a little more about how you achieve this?

>Our approach is to use the myford to make the bits for a CNC machine
>purpose built for a range of tasks. <snip> a very rigid machine that
performs its task very well<s>

I really enjoy seeing the results of you doing this... The idea of
several inexpensive machines SPECIFICALLY designed for each task...

Would you share with us your compunut anti-backlash design?

Finally, I can't speak for others, but I can say that I wanted to
purchase your program some time back, but without more complete info,
in light of the other choices, I did not. IMO, you will reap the
benefits if you will 'show' more of what I've asked about above.

Hope this helps.


Discussion Thread

Rab Gordon 2000-12-28 11:00:19 UTC Compucut ? Alan Marconett KM6VV 2000-12-28 12:48:40 UTC Re: Compucut ? Paul 2000-12-28 14:11:14 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Compucut ? ballendo@y... 2000-12-28 16:43:56 UTC re:Compucut ? Rab Gordon 2000-12-29 05:00:45 UTC Re: re:Compucut ? Alan Marconett KM6VV 2000-12-29 11:58:02 UTC re: Compucut ? Jon Elson 2000-12-29 15:31:27 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: re:Compucut ? Rab Gordon 2000-12-29 17:30:04 UTC Re: re:Compucut ? ballendo@y... 2000-12-29 20:45:19 UTC re:Re: re:Compucut ? Fred Smith 2000-12-29 21:27:59 UTC Re: re:Compucut ? Rab Gordon 2000-12-30 05:34:23 UTC Re: re:Compucut ? R. Bartlett 2000-12-31 11:27:29 UTC [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Compucut ? Tim Goldstein 2000-12-31 12:10:14 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Compucut ? wanliker@a... 2000-12-31 13:52:49 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Compucut ? ballendo@y... 2000-12-31 20:13:15 UTC re:re:Compucut ?