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Re: Linux V5.2 versus V6.0

on 1999-07-28 22:01:24 UTC
Stephen Barmash wrote:
> From: "Stephen Barmash" <GEARSNSHAFTS@...>
> Since I am a long way from an actual CNC machine or a conversion I thought I could at least get my feet wet by becoming familiar with Linux. One of the things I have picked up by lurking is that EMC is compatible with the V5.2 but not the latest V6.0. It also seems that the V6.0 has improvements that make it a little more user friendly and easier to install. So my question is, should I try to find a V5.2 or should I just go with V6.0 and hope that EMC will be updated to run under V6.0 in the
> I've seen RedHat V6.0 for $60; I seem to remember that this OS was originally a freeware product. Am I wrong or what happened to that concept?
> Regards,
> Steve Barmash
> Newbie 1st Class

I am not one of the Linux/EMC gurus here but have been messing with it
for a few weeks
so I will try to answer a couple of your questions. If I screw up the
works someone
will correct me, I hope anyway.

Linux is still free, you can download it from the net at many sites,
will tell you where to get it. Companies like redhat will package
add some books, an installer, and some utilities, put it on a cd and
sell them.
It is a very convienant way to install. It would take quite a while to
the whole thing. If you do not know anything about linux you WILL need a
book or two. Look in the bookstores / software places for linux books,
include a full version on cd in the back of the book. Look for an older
and you will probably find one with redhat 5.2. Do not get one with an
odd number
revision ie 5.1 as they are beta versions.

It is not that EMC will not work under 6.0 but the real time kernal
that EMC needs to run has not been written for 6.0 yet. Once it is done
EMC people have to modify the patch for floating point calculations.
then EMC
will probably work fine on 6.0. I have seen betas of the real time patch
for 6.0
so maybe soon. Might ask Fred Proctor here on this news group as to when
the patch
might be ready for 6.0, although he is not the one writing it he may
have the
inside scoop.


Discussion Thread

Stephen Barmash 1999-07-28 15:55:11 UTC Linux V5.2 versus V6.0 William Scalione 1999-07-28 22:01:24 UTC Re: Linux V5.2 versus V6.0 Carles Perello 1999-07-29 07:47:26 UTC Re: Linux V5.2 versus V6.0 Fred Proctor 1999-07-29 10:10:23 UTC Re: Re: Linux V5.2 versus V6.0