CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

emc G1 problem

Posted by dave engvall
on 2001-06-05 18:45:56 UTC
Ray wrote:

> From: dave engvall <dengvall@...>
> Now if you run the same code through verify, it will show you an error,

Most interesting. I guess I would expect that verify would have the better
error checking but being basically lazy I would have used the same error
checking stream for verify and execute unless I was really processor limited.

> 229: rs274ngc_error: No digits found where real number should be
> rs274ngc_stack: - read_real_number - read_real_value - read_z -
> read_one_item - read_items emcTaskPlanRead() returned 134
> but this error only appears in the terminal window from which you ran the
> EMC. It would appear that these kinds of error messages are being routed
> to the wrong pipeline and they do not appear at all during run.

I suppose someone should look and check the std error, null
file, /var/log/emcerror (?) , etc.
Unfortunately, C has been described as a write-only language. :-)
Having the same train of thought helps a lot.


> Ray

Discussion Thread

dave engvall 2001-06-05 18:45:56 UTC emc G1 problem Chris Stratton 2001-06-06 05:23:18 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] emc G1 problem