CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: FlashCut was microkinetics

on 2001-07-16 21:39:09 UTC
Hi Chris,

Yeah, unless marketing pushes, that's the way we like to do it!

Alan KM6VV

Chris L wrote:
> >>>>Alan Marconett KM6VV wrote: Their website at
> > Doesn't say anything about USB, nor the Grizzly (?) retrofit I saw at
> > the tool show last year.<<<<
> The more software people I meet, the more I understand that they realize it is not a good
> idea to give out dates. Software development must be such an animal that it can come back to
> bite you if you don't do your homework. Getting it right, THEN releasing a Delivery date
> sure saves them a lot of headaches !!
> By the way, as far as people go, Both Rick Pfaff and Ron Wirth from FlashCut are very nice
> fellows ! (bribe,bribe,please,please let me beta test..!!!!............)
> Chris L

Discussion Thread

Chris L 2001-07-16 16:28:08 UTC Re: FlashCut was microkinetics Alan Marconett KM6VV 2001-07-16 17:25:18 UTC Re: FlashCut was microkinetics Chris L 2001-07-16 20:27:51 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: FlashCut was microkinetics Alan Marconett KM6VV 2001-07-16 21:39:09 UTC Re: FlashCut was microkinetics cadcamcenter@y... 2001-07-16 22:32:37 UTC Re: FlashCut was microkinetics