CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by Paul
on 2001-07-22 02:53:15 UTC
Hi Roger

Updating the packages on the BDI CD is not a problem, as is adding new ones.
Modifying the install scripts is a little more invovled, and more prone to
errors as I'm unable to test every hardware combination.

I will look at the page you refer to, and also update XFree.

Regards, Paul.

On Sun, 22 Jul 2001, vrsculptor@... wrote:
> It works! BDI will run with new NVidia video cards with an easy to do
> modification. Install BDI using generic VGA then folow the simple 4
> step instructions on the web at:

> - BDI has an older SVGA driver that I was not able to get to work. I
> downloaded a new one from:
> This is a later one than the instrcutions. Maybe we can get the BDI
> updated so this wont be necessary.

Discussion Thread

vrsculptor@h... 2001-07-21 21:30:31 UTC Easy BDI with NVIDIA GEFORCE Video Paul 2001-07-22 02:53:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Easy BDI with NVIDIA GEFORCE Video