CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: EMC with steppers

Posted by Ray
on 2001-07-28 17:04:48 UTC

Yep it will. I presume that you are using steppermod.o. I think what
steppermod does is compute the cycle time of the binning algorithm based on
the number of pulses per unit. I'm not even sure that it takes acount of
max_velocity when it does this. If the binning cycle is to great it just
dies a very unpleasant death.

But the good news is that freqmod.o can do it. I tested this with a
K6II-400 here and set the period to about 0.00004 and the first max_velocity
to something about 0.350, the individual axis max_velocity to 0.334 and it
will run 9 inches of axis travel without throwing to many pulses in the
following error.

Set period for as fast as your machine will reasonably handle and still
refresh tkemc, then set max_velocity for as fast as it can travel without
following error. Set the first max_velocity a bit higher than the
individual ones.

What you are doing is tuning your PC to spit out as many pulses as it can.
If you ask for to many pps it will simply store the extras in following
error and trip out.



From: NCS <ncs@...>

Ok, trying to make the motors move the correct number of turns per
But when I change:
INPUT_SCALE = 32000 0

EMC crashes the system on startup!


- Dom
"Puzzled by EMC"

Discussion Thread

NCS 2001-07-28 13:59:53 UTC EMC with steppers Tim Goldstein 2001-07-28 14:46:32 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC with steppers NCS 2001-07-28 15:51:47 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC with steppers Jon Elson 2001-07-28 16:41:39 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC with steppers Ray 2001-07-28 17:04:48 UTC Re: EMC with steppers