CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

EMC Video drivers - help please

Posted by awemawson
on 2001-12-27 02:51:17 UTC

I'm wallowing around trying to get the BDI set up for a higher
resolution than 640 x 480 - but currently it's winning !

My system is a Compaq ENSFF PIII 800 Mhz, and being Small form factor
everything is integrated. The video chip set is an Intel FW82815
(SL4DF = 'A2 stepping' whatever that means!)

When I go through the BDI install and am presented with the choice of
video cards the only ones I can find that work (using Test button)
are generic VGA and unsupported VGA both of which give me 'virtual
resolution set to 640 x 480).

The onboard graphics is supposed to be AGP4X with 8 megs of ram so
seeing those fuzzy chunky icons is frustrating !

Previously I loaded it on a clone 200 Mhz PII with a 1 meg Trident
card (8900) and had the same symptoms, and the same two drivers were
the only ones that worked - I had hoped that the upgrade would cure

Any suggestions ?

Andrew Mawson

Discussion Thread

awemawson 2001-12-27 02:51:17 UTC EMC Video drivers - help please fast1994gto 2001-12-27 07:12:26 UTC Re: EMC Video drivers - help please Jon Elson 2001-12-27 10:04:58 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC Video drivers - help please awemawson 2001-12-27 10:23:55 UTC Re: EMC Video drivers - help please Ian Wright 2001-12-27 11:28:23 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: EMC Video drivers - help please Paul 2001-12-27 12:46:18 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC Video drivers - help please