CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Software bug fixes and updates

on 2002-01-10 01:15:50 UTC
For many years I have been using a CAD program called Fastcad and I
am more than happy with what it does.
One of the main reasons I like this is the support. There is a user
Forum where you can get to air your views and pass information on.
The guy who owns the company and writes the software, Mike Riddle is
always on this board.
This means that you get to talk to someone who not only counts but
can do something about it.
Here is a link to a thread on that board.
This is over a free demo and not even the main program. Read the
thread and especially note the times of posting. This is the level of
support users of Fastcad can expect.
I noticed that when you queried an arc or circle it listed it by it's
radius. Fine for arc's but most people work in diameters with circles.
I know you can double the radius but try doing 38,274 in your head,
errors occur.
I posted this and within two working days an upgrade had been posted
on the web page.
Being able to deal direct with the writers of the program really
Does anybody know who writes Autocad? Turbocad? etc?
What it boils down to though is if you are getting this level of
support and they are altering the program to suit your needs then in
return they are earning your loyalty.
Loyalty is important. It's only this two way path that lets the
program continue to be improved. No loyalty, no customers.

John S.

Discussion Thread

stevenson_engineers 2002-01-10 01:15:50 UTC Software bug fixes and updates dlantz@a... 2002-01-10 05:40:49 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Software bug fixes and updates stevenson_engineers 2002-01-10 07:17:26 UTC Re: Software bug fixes and updates dlantz@a... 2002-01-10 07:27:46 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software bug fixes and updates Ray 2002-01-10 10:57:29 UTC Re: Software bug fixes and updates stevenson_engineers 2002-01-10 13:20:03 UTC Re: Software bug fixes and updates