CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: more thoughts on torch height

Posted by aspaguy
on 2002-01-20 22:13:06 UTC
Mariss, Thanks for jumping on this,I think it could be developed into
something helpful for most people in the plasma field. I think the
information you need for the voltage is available on the pdf at the
Rutex sight Click on the plasma
THC to go to the pdf. I will copy the paragraph that I think
pinpoints it and e-mail it to you off list. The last time I copied
info from a website to post, the post vanished, probably a copyright
thing. I posted the sight address this time so anyone wanting to
follow this thread can do so.
Now for newby Questions, What is hysterisis? Also, this may sound
stupid, but when you say "servo to" you do mean the voltage that will
control the unit and not something about a servo moter, right?
because I'm hoping to run this unit with a stepper moter. I'm pretty
sure I'm on the right track here, but dumb questions are easier to
deal with than dumb mistakes.

In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., "mariss92705" <mariss92705@y...> wrote:
> Dale,
> I've got the circuit worked out; voltage in, step and direction out
> with hysterisis . It takes a quad comparator (LM339), a dozen
> resistors and two caps; about $1.50 in parts at Radio Shack prices.
> It would be very helpful to know what voltage you want to servo to.
> When I have that, I can scale the input resistors and post the
> diagram.
> Mariss
> --- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., "aspaguy" <spaguy@l...> wrote:
> > The following is an exerpt from a shopbot page about upgrades.
> > perhaps it will be of help. They seem to be using the same z axis
> for
> > torch height control. I have e-mailed them for more info, but
> > know what to expect as a non shopbot owner.
> > Thanks,
> >
> Dale

Discussion Thread

aspaguy 2002-01-20 14:15:37 UTC more thoughts on torch height mariss92705 2002-01-20 14:28:23 UTC Re: more thoughts on torch height aspaguy 2002-01-20 16:40:07 UTC Re: more thoughts on torch height mariss92705 2002-01-20 19:40:42 UTC Re: more thoughts on torch height aspaguy 2002-01-20 22:13:06 UTC Re: more thoughts on torch height aspaguy 2002-01-20 23:22:14 UTC Re: more thoughts on torch height Alan Marconett KM6VV 2002-01-21 11:09:34 UTC Re: more thoughts on torch height