CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Stepper motor control boards

Posted by hansw
on 1999-11-29 13:13:12 UTC
I updated to Communicator 4.7 only a few weeks ago, and before that it
was V4.6 which also worked fine.
I know Ian in the UK had problems a while back, but I'm not sure if he
fixed it.
Java and Frontpage applets are so common, why should my site not work
with your Navigator ! ? I don't know...
I can't afford the time to re-do the site, sorry..
Hans Wedemeyer

"Douglas J.Martins" wrote:

> hansw wrote:
> > From: hansw <hansw@...>
> >
> > Hi Doug,
> > My web pages are made using "FrontPage" the only applets are fior
> "Hover
> > Buttons" rest is simple HTML...
> > I use Netscape Communicator and it works fine, alsotested on IE5.0.
> > Which version of Netscape are you using ?
> > BTW I don't have anything on Foam Cutters, that's Greg's page... I
> do
> > have some CNC stuff...
> I'm using Netscape 3.0, 4.07. and 4.61...can't get anything other than
> the text, no navigation at all...
> I can't understand WHY the applets don't work....
> thanx!
> Doug
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Discussion Thread

Greg Nuspel 1999-11-25 05:18:02 UTC Stepper motor control boards Paul Devey 1999-11-25 17:27:45 UTC Re: Stepper motor control boards Douglas J.Martins 1999-11-29 08:53:02 UTC Re: Stepper motor control boards Greg Nuspel 1999-11-29 11:10:54 UTC Re: Stepper motor control boards Douglas J.Martins 1999-11-29 11:33:13 UTC Re: Stepper motor control boards hansw 1999-11-29 11:41:40 UTC Re: Stepper motor control boards Douglas J.Martins 1999-11-29 11:49:29 UTC Re: Stepper motor control boards Robert Bachman 1999-11-29 12:28:57 UTC Re: Stepper motor control boards hansw 1999-11-29 13:13:12 UTC Re: Stepper motor control boards hansw 1999-11-29 13:15:51 UTC Re: Stepper motor control boards Ian Wright 1999-11-29 14:36:32 UTC Re: Stepper motor control boards beer@x... 1999-12-02 12:28:55 UTC Re: Stepper motor control boards drew@x... 1999-12-02 15:39:11 UTC Re: Re: Stepper motor control boards hansw 1999-12-02 20:15:18 UTC Re: Re: Stepper motor control boards Matt Shaver 1999-12-02 21:01:12 UTC Re: Re: Stepper motor control boards Darrell 1999-12-02 21:19:29 UTC Re: Re: Stepper motor control boards