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RE: Help with servo control

on 1999-12-07 03:51:05 UTC

I looked at purchasing a new Milltronics about three years ago and again
last year. (Politics forced us to select another brand). I remember
talking to the engineer at Milltronics about the computer. I was told that
the main board is really just a motherboard from a normal desktop computer.
You might try calling the folks at Milltronics, as I found them very open
and helpful. Start with their website.

Doug Harrison

> -----Original Message-----
> From: livsteam@... [SMTP:livsteam@...]
> Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 12:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Help with servo control
> From: livsteam@...
> Hello folks, my name is James Nelson, and I own a Milltronics Centurian
> verticle knee mill. It has a proprietary computer on-board which control
> 3 axis of movemnt via servo motors. Of course, the machine is in fine
> shape, but the computer is dying. I am in the process of researching
> retrofit control packages for my machine. I have found many stepper
> conrols, but very few servo controllers. My machine uses standard servo
> amps with +/-10v industry standard inputs. I would prefer to use software
> control, in either UNIX or DOS platforms. Any help or suggestions would
> be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Jim
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Discussion Thread

livsteam@s... 1999-12-06 09:42:53 UTC Help with servo control Jon Elson 1999-12-06 13:18:00 UTC Re: Help with servo control Robert Bachman 1999-12-06 13:14:33 UTC Re: Help with servo control Harrison, Doug 1999-12-07 03:51:05 UTC RE: Help with servo control