CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Pardon my dust

Posted by ballendo
on 2002-04-17 02:52:21 UTC

On this list, we do not know if someone asking a question is planning
to do "only a few a year" or if he or she may be planning to use cnc
to set up a production line... Certainly both types have visited here
in the past, and will likely do so again...

Second, PCB dust may have been the focus of the thread, but the
advice here to think of your neigbors, and their children, is simply
an overall good idea...

Finally, I do not know anything about your home and its relationship
to your neighbors, even though you post regularly. Maybe you have
lots of room. And possibly live in a rural area. Please keep in mind
that others may be in a city core; in an apartment or other sort of
shared living arrangement. This may make their need of concern for
the neigbors greater than your own...

Hope this helps,


--- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., Jon Elson <elson@p...> wrote:
> Raymond Heckert wrote:
> > At least, think of your neighbors. The dust may ruin clothing,
food, or do
> > damage to the seven-layer paint job he just put on his car, not
to mention
> > the safety of the neighborhood kiddies. Don't forget, we're not
> > talking about dust from phenolic or fiber-glass boards; You're
> > thousands, perhaps millions of tiny copper slivvers, too! Please
don't give
> > HSM's a bad reputation by disregarding safety for the sake of
others. If
> > you can't do it right, then don't do it at all.
> Oh, for gosh sakes! I think you are overreacting! This is not a
> persistent, noxious invisible poison that will be tracked around
the neighborhood
> untill the EPA arrives in the moon suits.
> If I did PC board milling, drilling and routing on a daily basis, I
would take
> dust control measures much more seriously. But, I only do a few a
> and then clean up with a shop vac. It does make a white, fluffy
mess on
> the machine table, and you can just detect a hint of it on the
floor, but
> it doesn't fill the house with dust, or get into every pore in the
place, and
> slowly sneak back out months later. It is NOT going to destroy the
> finish on your neighbor's car, unless you are doing it in HIS
> next to the car!
> Jon

Discussion Thread

Raymond Heckert 2002-04-16 17:01:07 UTC Re: Pardon my dust Jon Elson 2002-04-16 23:05:05 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Pardon my dust ballendo 2002-04-17 02:52:21 UTC Re: Pardon my dust dave_ace_me 2002-04-17 07:59:53 UTC Re: Pardon my dust (collection) Jon Elson 2002-04-17 21:51:57 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Pardon my dust Raymond Heckert 2002-04-18 09:51:36 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Pardon my dust ballendo 2002-04-19 06:33:14 UTC Re: Pardon my dust (collection)