CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Moog Hydrapoint

Posted by Sven Peter
on 2002-05-13 06:29:41 UTC
Hello Garry,
In the factory I worked for a couple of years we did exctly what you
did. We took of the tape ready hooked a 80386 on the same RS232 plug and
go. But damn I have forgotten the nae of the program. All that had to be
set only once were the Baud rate number of bits, pair impair and
something else and go for it. Practically it scrolled through the
program like the same tape reader and worked fine. Only you did not have
subroutines so you had to tipe a hundred times the same routines.
Because we never got the postprocessor for GE550 controls we couldn't
use Mastercam for these two machines and had to type everythimg by hand.
My longest program were 4700 lines for a 50 minutes cycle.
If I remember the name I will post it.
Sven Peter

stirlinguy wrote:
> Hi,
> I have acquired a Moog Hydrapoint (full hydraulic Bridgeport with
> tape reader) NC mill and am pondering the possibilities for CNC
> control.
> I know some people have ditched the hydraulics and gone with ball
> screws and servos. That seems like the most straightforward approach
> (to my mind, anyway). But, I was thinking that if the machine can
> already read tapes that setting up a computer to send signals
> emulating the tape could be done. Any thoughts?
> My reasoning for this is that the machine already knows how to move
> x, y, and z through the hydraulics, so why not use that
> functionality? (And save some cash!)
> I don't have much experience with this particular machine or
> hydraulics in general, so am I missing something?
> Would greatly appreciate hearing from Moog owners who have converted
> their machines (hydraulic or ball screw or other?) and what sort of
> problems they faced or anyone who has an idea of what's possible here.
> Thanks in advance
> Gary
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Discussion Thread

stirlinguy 2002-05-11 06:18:41 UTC Moog Hydrapoint wayne_j_hill 2002-05-11 14:47:38 UTC Re: Moog Hydrapoint Raymond Heckert 2002-05-11 19:50:47 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Moog Hydrapoint Jon Elson 2002-05-11 21:50:26 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Moog Hydrapoint stirlinguy 2002-05-12 05:41:55 UTC Re: Moog Hydrapoint Wally Daniels 2002-05-12 14:56:23 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Moog Hydrapoint Jon Elson 2002-05-12 19:10:05 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Moog Hydrapoint Sven Peter 2002-05-13 06:29:41 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Moog Hydrapoint Rose, Gary 2002-05-13 08:13:09 UTC RE: Moog Hydrapoint Ray Henry 2002-05-13 12:36:04 UTC Re: RE: Moog Hydrapoint Jon Elson 2002-05-13 22:33:14 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RE: Moog Hydrapoint Keith Rumley 2002-05-14 06:31:48 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RE: Moog Hydrapoint stirlinguy 2002-05-14 15:35:29 UTC Re: Moog Hydrapoint stirlinguy 2002-05-14 15:41:20 UTC Re: Moog Hydrapoint stirlinguy 2002-05-14 15:47:51 UTC Re: Moog Hydrapoint Ray Henry 2002-05-14 20:31:18 UTC Re: Re: Moog Hydrapoint Keith Rumley 2002-05-15 18:14:33 UTC [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Moog Hydrapoint Keith Rumley 2002-05-15 18:14:41 UTC [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Re: Moog Hydrapoint Ray Henry 2002-05-16 12:17:54 UTC Re: Re: Re: Moog Hydrapoint