CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: power outages

Posted by Dan Falck
on 2000-01-16 00:00:44 UTC
Two weeks ago, I was engraving some parts, when a thunderstorm blew in
quick and caused a small power outage- for maybe 2 seconds. My computer
rebooted and I started cussing. While looking at the part in the fixture,
I realized that I could just repostition the diamond bit back in the groove
at the start of the arc segment that partially completed. With a
magnifying glass it was done. I started the program on that line number
(using EMC) and that part was good. It really is time to invest in a
backup power supply for the computers now.


At 12:42 AM 1/16/2000 , you wrote:
>From: Jon Elson <jmelson@...>

>I had a power blip that was long enough for me to start reaching for a
flashlight before the
>lights came back on. I was in the middle of a cut, and assumed I'd have a
mess, with lost
>position, spindle inverter tripped off, etc. I was amazed to see the CNC
computer was
>still chugging along, the spindle was still running, no problem! The
power was off about
>1/4 second, I guess.

Discussion Thread

Dan Falck 2000-01-16 00:00:44 UTC Re: power outages David M. Munro 2000-01-16 05:48:16 UTC Re: power outages Dan Falck 2000-01-16 07:10:00 UTC Re: power outages Rich Dean 2000-01-16 08:12:25 UTC Re: power outages Dan Falck 2000-01-16 09:55:54 UTC Re: power outages Rich Dean 2000-01-16 13:30:38 UTC Re: power outages