CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by cadcamcenter
on 2002-08-26 23:42:24 UTC

I had a hard time trying to grasp the meaning of a list member
gibberish recently. It took many webpages and much reading until I
finally found that TTY stands for teletypwriter. Sometime back, it
took me a while too, to realise that PITA stands for a type of
bread ;-)

As that list has only 21 members to date, I can't add tables to this
list database, hope Bill will wouldn't mind me to repost the
announcement from the list

here, hoping that the learned members of this list would be kind
enough to add to the database (as and when it arises, or whenever
they feel charitable) so that eventually it may become a useful
resource for our hobbies.


P.S. Would TTY style interface stand for something like that
little "dialogue box" at the bottom of Acad (stands for AutoCAD in
case there are more abbrev. dummies like me out there) where one can
enter commands like

Line, Circle, Move, etc.

Discussion Thread

cadcamcenter 2002-08-26 23:42:24 UTC abbreviations Alan Marconett KM6VV 2002-08-27 10:47:40 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] abbreviations cadcamcenter 2002-08-27 12:52:23 UTC Re: abbreviations Alan Marconett KM6VV 2002-08-27 13:45:12 UTC Re: abbreviations cadcamcenter 2002-08-27 15:28:31 UTC Re: abbreviations Alan Marconett KM6VV 2002-08-27 16:16:21 UTC Re: abbreviations cadcamcenter 2002-08-27 16:22:57 UTC Re: abbreviations