CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC setup questions

Posted by Jon Elson
on 2002-10-12 12:56:42 UTC
awallin25 wrote:

>Hi All,
>Thanks for all the answers to my previous questions. I have now got my
>system up and running with EMC.
>I am still looking for the right settings to get my units correct:
>Now EMC works in mm and shows mm on the screen, but my table moves
>lots more than 1mm when commanded to move 1mm. This is when I have
>input_scale=1000 and the emc-gui shows a feedrate of around 20-60
Well, what units are the input scale set to? Do you have 1000 steps/mm?
Or, 1000 steps/inch?

The definition of units and the steps/unit must be consistent.

What is your units mode in the RS-274 interpreter? You can select G20
or G21.

>I am using steppermod.o
>I have linear_units =1
>I have tried to calculate input_scale as follows:
>my steppers are 200step/rev driven with halfs steps => 400steps/rev
>my ballscrews give me 5mm movement for every rev.
>=> input_scale should be 80 ??
Yes, that sounds right.

>when I set input_scale to 80 on one axis for testing it, it seems to
>work when jogging in the + direction, but I immediately get a
>following error when pressing the - button.
>The FAQ tells me to reduce feedrate when this happens. I have
>max_velocity set to 20 on all axes.
>If I understand correctly the parallell port whould be able to do
>around 5 kHz which would be equivalent to a feedrate of over 60mm/sec
>on my system (5000steps/s / 400 steps/rev * 5 mm /rev > 60 mm/s)
>even with a very low feredrate I get the following error when trying
>to move in the - direction.
Well, if max velocity is 20 mm/sec, that should come out to 1600 steps/sec.
If mac velocity is 20 Inches/sec, that should be 40640 steps/sec, shich is
certainly a problem for software step generation. Definitely check the
selection. Should linear units be specified as =1.0 , or does that make any


Discussion Thread

awallin25 2002-10-12 08:15:16 UTC EMC setup questions John Guenther 2002-10-12 09:15:08 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC setup questions Tim Goldstein 2002-10-12 09:22:01 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC setup questions Jon Elson 2002-10-12 12:56:42 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC setup questions Ray Henry 2002-10-12 17:59:39 UTC Re: EMC setup questions awallin25 2002-10-14 05:03:44 UTC Re: EMC setup questions > Success ! j.guenther 2002-10-14 05:58:29 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: EMC setup questions > Success !