CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

newbie questions on visual mill

Posted by Steve Ross
on 2002-10-20 09:09:19 UTC
I just started trying to use visual mill and have 4 question. Any help
would be appreciated.

1. In the help index when you click on create it says there is no page to
be found. Is this a bug?
2. Can you resize your cad project bigger or smaller for post processing in
visual mill.
3. How can I switch over to millimeters from inchs or is that again specfic
to the cad model.
4. how does the different operations i.e roughing, finishing work in the
post processor. I have a taig mill which does not have a tool changer, does
each operation stop and wait for an operator command or is it continuious.
and you have to break up the cam operations.

Steve Ross

Discussion Thread

djld98370 2002-10-20 08:53:31 UTC is any one using rutex plasma softwear or drives? Steve Ross 2002-10-20 09:09:19 UTC newbie questions on visual mill Steve Ross 2002-10-20 09:09:30 UTC newbie questions on visual mill Tim Goldstein 2002-10-20 10:02:22 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] newbie questions on visual mill Peter 2002-10-20 11:58:08 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] newbie questions on visual mill