CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] newbie questions on visual mill

Posted by Tim Goldstein
on 2002-10-20 10:02:22 UTC
> -----Original Message-----
> 1. In the help index when you click on create it says there
> is no page to
> be found. Is this a bug?

If I select "Create Menu" in the help I get the same error.
Interestingly they mention a create toolbar in the tutorials that I can
not seem to find also. All the functions are on the Curve menu so it is
possibly they just renamed the function. Would like to find the toolbar
as it would be handy.

> 2. Can you resize your cad project bigger or smaller for post
> processing in
> visual mill.

Not sure and I would do it in my CAD program, but in the Post Processor
editor there is boxes for scaling factors on the Motion tab. There may
be other ways I just have not seen because I have not looked.

> 3. How can I switch over to millimeters from inchs or is that
> again specfic
> to the cad model.

Preference menu and then Part Units.

> 4. how does the different operations i.e roughing, finishing
> work in the
> post processor. I have a taig mill which does not have a tool
> changer, does
> each operation stop and wait for an operator command or is it
> continuious.
> and you have to break up the cam operations.

Depends upon the post that you use. You can post each operation by
itself and then do each one as a separate process. You can also change
the tool changer code that is output to do a pause instead (or anything
else your controller is capable of). It is all configured in the post
processor generator (standard Visual Mill only, not on basic they say).
So far I have taken the Flashcut post and hacked it to be more EMC
friendly. Was pretty quick and easy. I started with the Flashcut because
the output seemed pretty plain vanilla and I wanted very basic to begin
with. Didn't want to deal with offsets and such until I have a better
feel for the whole process.

[Denver, CO]

Discussion Thread

djld98370 2002-10-20 08:53:31 UTC is any one using rutex plasma softwear or drives? Steve Ross 2002-10-20 09:09:19 UTC newbie questions on visual mill Steve Ross 2002-10-20 09:09:30 UTC newbie questions on visual mill Tim Goldstein 2002-10-20 10:02:22 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] newbie questions on visual mill Peter 2002-10-20 11:58:08 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] newbie questions on visual mill