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RE: WOW!! new EMC Build

Posted by Tim Goldstein
on 2000-02-26 09:05:49 UTC
> Question 1) I don't see the MAX_VELOCITY settings in the INI file under
> each axis. Is it
> something I need to add?

I haven't installed yet, but I got the feeling it is something you have to
enter yourself.

> Question 2) Is there a setting in the INI file for direction? Everything
> is now backwards.

That is easy to cure. You reverse direction by putting a minus sign (-) in
front of the entry for INPUT_SCALE as follows:
The following moves one way:
INPUT_SCALE = 4000 0
The following gives you movement in the opposite direction:
INPUT_SCALE = -4000 0

You sometimes have to play with this parameter also:
It reverses which way the axis moves during a jog. So, if your axis is
indicating a positive move and your table is really going negative you need
to change the INPUT_SCALE sign. But, if the numbers are moving the right way
for the table and the jogs seem backwards you need to change the
JOGGING_POLARITY to the opposite of what you have either 1 or 0

> Question 3) I am running a P166 with 32 meg ram. Is anyone running
> steppers with this config
> or less? It is somewhat sluggish when emc is running, ie.
> the mouse is jerky and
> windows seem to take a few seconds to pop up. This is not
> something new with this
> version as the november version did the same.

I have it on a AMD K6 2D 450 now and was on a 350 previously. Can't say I am
noticing what you mention.

[Denver, CO]

timg@... <mailto:timg@...>

Discussion Thread

Tim Goldstein 2000-02-25 13:53:38 UTC WOW!! new EMC Build William Scalione 2000-02-25 20:30:46 UTC Re: WOW!! new EMC Build Tim Goldstein 2000-02-26 09:05:49 UTC RE: WOW!! new EMC Build