CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Question about VM 4 and Mach2

on 2004-02-12 09:04:26 UTC
I just purchased Visual Mill and I have a minimill that I converted and am
using Mach2. I would like to post from Visual Mill with arcs, but Mach2
hangs when it gets to the arcs. I have tried several post processors and I
haven't had any success. If I output the arcs as line segments, then things
work, but the program is so much larger and takes longer to run. I thought
maybe it had something to do with tool compensation. I have tried posts
that use R and IJK. Does anyone know what post processor will work best or
what my problem might be?


Discussion Thread

karl_l_townsend 2004-02-12 05:34:58 UTC resistor to test stepper pulses caudlet 2004-02-12 07:09:48 UTC Re: resistor to test stepper pulses Jeff Lionberger 2004-02-12 09:04:26 UTC Question about VM 4 and Mach2 Robert Campbell 2004-02-12 09:41:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Question about VM 4 and Mach2 tig415 2004-02-12 09:59:36 UTC Re: Question about VM 4 and Mach2 JanRwl@A... 2004-02-12 17:34:18 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] resistor to test stepper pulses