Re: treadmil motor speed reduction analysis
Posted by
on 2005-05-17 15:34:00 UTC
> As a last bit...if any one has some of these motorsCould you post this info for our general use? This sounds like
> and a reasonable power supply I can show you how to
> measure moment of inertia etc so we won't be doing
> educated guesses.
> I would like to know!
> Les
valuable information we can use for any of the surplus motors we use
down the road.
--- In, "Leslie Watts"
<leswatts@a...> wrote:
> Hello all,derate
> As promised I did an analysis of a hypothetical cnc router
> with belt or rack drive using treadmill motors.
> I had to do some eductated guesses...because there are few
> specs on them. These are the cheap 1-2 hp 100vdc units
> at surplus center and others.
> First, I am going to seriously derate these things because they are
> "treadmill" duty. I don't believe the HP ratings anyway. Let's
> them 50%.have
> Second I have to get some idea of the rotor moment of inertia. None
> such specs, but I know a 3/4 hp square frame typical PMDC motorcomes
> out at about 0.4 oz*in*sec^2. I will use that figure. This is avery
> high inertia compared to a typical industrial servo and will be oneof the
> biggest factors limiting performance.
> Here is the router specs:
> 100 kG moving mass
> 125N (25 lb) cutting force
> 50 N (10 lb) friction force
> 100 mm/sec (4 inches/sec) max speed
> .25g (2.45 M/sec^2) max acceleration
> 50mm (2 in) rack pinion/timing pulley diameter
> Ok.
> First the moment of inertia at the pulley/pinion.
> That is simply Mr^2= 100*(.025M^2)= 8.8 oz*in*sec^2
> A 1:1 load to motor inertia match occurs with SQRT( 8.8/.4)=
> 4.69 gear reduction ratio. Lets make it an even 5:1.
> Starting with that I went to motioneering and
> checked it with real motors.
> I needed 600 in oz peak at only 171 rpm.
> Peak input power was only 90 watts.
> But....this is a no go because I have derated the motor.
> I don't think they can put out much more than 400 in oz peak
> and much less continuous.
> Let's go with 10:1 gear ratio.
> Peak input power was 170 watts.
> but required inertia for 1:1 was .12 oz*in*se^2
> ...4 times lower than our motor.
> But inertia match does not have to be exact
> ... 0.25 to 4 is generally ok.
> At .25 we have about 375 oz*in required.
> Looks close!
> Now 20:1
> 270 Peak input power
> Still about 375 in* oz
> But even at an inertia ratio of .25 we need
> about 0.1 in*oz*sec^2. So there is no solution.
> The treadmill's high inertia has killed it.
> OK...done I think! With the derated motor we just
> get by with a 10:1 gear reduction. anything much higher
> or lower gets worse.
> Max rpm is 382 so we can go much much faster than design
> top speed if we want.
> We are right at the comfortable motor current limit.
> The motor will only need about 20V for design speed but
> LOTS of current. This depends on the torque constant
> but might be in the 10 amp range.
> If the Pinion was one inch diameter rather than two,
> 5:1 would be optimum and so on.
> Understand the results might be VERY different for
> industrial servos and steppers...this is only for the
> treadmill motors.
> As a last bit...if any one has some of these motors
> and a reasonable power supply I can show you how to
> measure moment of inertia etc so we won't be doing
> educated guesses.
> I would like to know!
> Les
> Leslie M.Watts
> L M Watts Furniture
> Tiger Georgia
> (706) 212-0242
> Main page:
> Engineering:
> Cnc surplus for sale:
> Carved signs:
Discussion Thread
2005-05-16 09:09:48 UTC
where's the torque ?
Andy Wander
2005-05-16 09:46:50 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] where's the torque ?
R Rogers
2005-05-16 10:06:46 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] where's the torque ?
Leslie Watts
2005-05-16 11:16:11 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] where's the torque ?
2005-05-16 14:04:35 UTC
Re: where's the torque ?
2005-05-16 14:23:59 UTC
Re: where's the torque ?
Erie Patsellis
2005-05-16 16:34:45 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] where's the torque ?
Jon Elson
2005-05-16 18:20:47 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] where's the torque ?
Leslie Watts
2005-05-17 10:22:55 UTC
[CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] treadmil motor speed reduction analysis
2005-05-17 13:31:33 UTC
Re: treadmil motor speed reduction analysis
2005-05-17 15:34:00 UTC
Re: treadmil motor speed reduction analysis
R Rogers
2005-05-17 16:44:51 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] treadmil motor speed reduction analysis
Erie Patsellis
2005-05-17 17:06:16 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] treadmil motor speed reduction analysis
Leslie Watts
2005-05-17 17:15:44 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] treadmil motor speed reduction analysis
2005-05-17 17:31:30 UTC
Re: treadmil motor speed reduction analysis
Leslie Watts
2005-05-17 17:50:53 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: treadmil motor speed reduction analysis
R Rogers
2005-05-17 20:24:57 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] treadmil motor speed reduction analysis
Erie Patsellis
2005-05-17 20:47:15 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] treadmil motor speed reduction analysis