CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions

Posted by pml58@s...
on 2008-02-08 08:16:12 UTC
> Does anyone have a good source for MasterCAM tutorials? I just got
> MasterCAM 8 and I also have access to 10. I have used FeatureCAM pretty
> extensively but it was a bit different. Also, does anybody have a
> postprocessor for a basic hobby-type CNC mill without spindle controls, M
> codes, or that sort of stuff. I am running my Taig CNC with steppers
> under
> EMC2, and some basic code I made with a standard VMC-style postprocessor
> would have caused the machine to go nuts.
> Also, since my Taig has manual, non-preset tools (it's got an ER-16
> spindle), I always run my ops as separate programs, one program for each
> tool. In MasterCAM, is there an easy way to have it automatically spit
> out
> a separate NC file for each operation or, preferably, each tool? I know
> you
> can select the operations individually, but it would be nice if it did it
> all automatically...
> Thanks very much for any ideas
> Michael
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
It's been a long time since I used v8. I would skip 8 and dive right into
v10, you'll never look back and be glad you did. posts aren't too
difficult to modify. register at "Emastercam" and search their forum, alot
of smart people and info. in v10 to post to different nc file names, in
the operations manager, select the op you want change and right click the
group name and select "edit operations">"change nc file name". do this for
every op and name as you wish. then select all ops and post. a
suggestion, why not post to 1 file and have M0's between each tool, then
the program will stop and you can change tools and offsets.

hope this helps

Discussion Thread

Michael Fagan 2008-02-07 23:53:37 UTC MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions Steve Blackmore 2008-02-08 00:14:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions Michael Fagan 2008-02-08 00:33:19 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions Stephen Wille Padnos 2008-02-08 05:48:31 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions Michael Fagan 2008-02-08 07:17:59 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions pml58@s... 2008-02-08 08:16:12 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions Steve Blackmore 2008-02-08 08:16:38 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions Steve Blackmore 2008-02-08 08:31:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions Michael Fagan 2008-02-09 01:08:08 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions smirob1 2008-02-09 14:45:12 UTC Re: MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions Mihaly Kis 2008-02-09 16:18:13 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions Michael Fagan 2008-02-10 19:42:44 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: MasterCAM Tutorials, postprocessor, and NC file generation questions