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Re: linux/HELP

Posted by Steve Gunsel
on 1999-07-28 20:07:18 UTC
I see that I am not the only one having a lot of fun trying to install
Linux. I tried to buy the Red Hat 5.2 package, but managed to wait until
they were apparently all sold out at the local shops (Best Buy, etc.). I
really did not want to buy the 6.0 version because 1) It is reportedly not
compatible with the current version of EMC; and 2)The cost was about $75.
As I looked around, I saw the "Linux for Dummies" book, which comes with a
Red Hat 5.2 CDROM, and it only cost $19.95. So far, so good. I had $20
and probably qualify otherwise.

My computer is a 233 MHz Pentium Pro, MMX, 6.1 GB HD, and 32 megs of ram.
I run Windows 95, and need to keep the compatibility, at least for now.
There is plenty of room on the hard drive, at least 4 GB. The first step,
as I recall, was to defragment the disk to make as much room available as
possible. I got as far as making the Linux boot disk before I ran into the
first problem. I used a blank, formatted 3.5 FD, as told, but it wouldn't
boot. Repeat the first step again. Same results. I reformatted the
diskette, since there may have been "erased" files, which are really not
erased until you reformat, on the disk. After the reformat, at least it
booted the computer. Time to repartition the hard drive.

This too didn't go smoothly, in spite of the clear(?) instructions in the
book. My HD is devided into drives C:, D:, E: and F:, each about 1.5 GB.
Since E: and F: are both unused, F:seemed like a good home for Linux. Disk
Druid says no - cannot use an extended partition, or something to that
effect. Interestingly, the instructions sort of skirt around this
situation. The book recommends a custom install without explaining why.
Must be more of a dummy than they expected. Wish I had a blank HD (I think).

I moved a lot of files from C: to D: so there would be plenty of room on C:
for Linux and tried again. Wow, all that empty space and still not enough
room! Oops, forgot to defragment. Backed up, re-defragmented and ended up
with plenty of room on C:, over 900 MB. Interestingly enough, it's darn
hard to tell where the empty space is and which pseudo drives you are
trying to partition with the Disk Druid program. Must be a magic decoder
ring somewhere to help with this.

Anyway, tried about a zillion versions of partitioning, and finally had a
combination that looked usable. BTW, sometimes it recognized my CDROM, and
sometimes it didn't. I finally discovered that if I hit the "go" button on
the CDROM after it could not be found, it would suddenly be found! Anyway,
the installation program then decided to insist that I chose a network card
from a menu. Problem is I don't have one and there appeared to be no way
around this. If I chose any of the listed cards, it would immediately
check, not find it, and go back to the same menu again. Rebooting was the
only way out. Needless to say, this too eventually became less exciting.
At least the Windows 95 stuff still works.

Started again, this time deciding to do the workstation install. One
problem mentioned with this is that all data and programs on the existing
(hopefully Linux) partitions will be erased or otherwise destroyed. Since
I had nothing there, why not give it a try? Amazingly enough, it took off
and started doing the install. This was pretty neat - it finally looked
like progress. I smugly sat back and watched it load module after module
as it counted down the MB of programs and time remaining. Started out with
350 MB or so to be downloaded, with a projected time of almost 10 minutes.
I think that the Linux kernel loaded was 2.0.36-7. With less than 2
minutes and only a diddling 40 or so MB to go, an error message, abort, and
reboot. Tried it again with the same results. Still no joy.

I suspect that a Linux only install on a clean hard drive would probably be
easier. At least that seems to be the example that everyone, including the
book I have, uses. Wish I had more time to play with this, but like most
everyone else, there are other demands that occasionally get in the way of
having fun.

This sure is a great list. I have learned a lot and avoided a lot of
unnecessary problems by reading the posts so far. Good luck to all - and be
sure to let the rest of us know when you have success. We can always use
the encouragement.


At 10:04 PM 7/28/99 EDT, you wrote:
>From: WAnliker@...
>In a message dated 7/28/99 11:30:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
>timg@... writes:
><< utility from a boot floppy to delete all partitions and then start the
> install on a raw drive. >>
>Tim it is now loading, the next issue will be the partition sizes, I know
>there was a posting, but I can't find it. It is a 1.2 g HD. With nothing
>else on it. Do you have suggestions off the top of your head.

Discussion Thread

WAnliker@x... 1999-07-28 11:15:59 UTC Re: linux/HELP Tim Goldstein 1999-07-28 11:31:01 UTC Re: linux/HELP Jon Elson 1999-07-28 13:31:48 UTC Re: linux/HELP WAnliker@x... 1999-07-28 19:04:20 UTC Re: linux/HELP WAnliker@x... 1999-07-28 19:31:44 UTC Re: linux/HELP Steve Gunsel 1999-07-28 20:07:18 UTC Re: linux/HELP Matt Shaver 1999-07-28 21:44:56 UTC Re: linux/HELP