CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table?

on 2001-03-15 10:52:37 UTC
Hi Henry,

Good to hear from you. I'm Alan, KM6VV. Central coast of California.
Looks like interesting things you're doing. I'm especially interested
in Eagle, I've downloaded and played with it before. The newest release
has Gcode output? Great! I'll have to study your notes on Eagle, and
your pearl script.

Thanks for contributing.

Best Regards,

Alan KM6VV

Henry Palonen wrote:
> * The AntiYuppie (sloboyko@...) [10.03.2001 06:27]:
> >
> > 3. I found a few pieces of software on the 'Net that seem like they
> > could control these things for PCB and engraving. Is anybody doing
> > anything similar. What do you use?
> Hello.
> I'm using Eagle 4.0 software (free version) to produce PCB's and needed tool-paths
> for EMC software (also free). Converting from Eagle's CAM-output to EMC's CAM-input
> can be a little painfull unless you use some converter. (I did converter in perl, but it can be
> easily made with any programming language.) But after conversion
> it works quite nicely. I have some information about process in my
> pages,
> Regards,
> Henry "Henkka" Palonen, OH6KFT
> h@...

Discussion Thread

The AntiYuppie 2001-03-09 20:24:58 UTC Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Tim Goldstein 2001-03-09 21:45:44 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Jon Elson 2001-03-09 21:55:22 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? kleinbauer@j... 2001-03-10 19:00:28 UTC Re: Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Neil Gillies 2001-03-11 00:23:07 UTC RE: Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Tom Eldredge 2001-03-11 09:07:56 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RE: Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Greg Hensley 2001-03-14 16:17:24 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Henry Palonen 2001-03-15 05:05:00 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? Alan Marconett KM6VV 2001-03-15 10:52:37 UTC Re: Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table? timg@k... 2001-03-26 14:30:27 UTC Re: Semi-homebrew PCB Router W/X-Y Table?