CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by dave engvall
on 2001-04-08 20:06:00 UTC
bheuver@... wrote:

> I recently picked up an old Accurite III 2 axis DRO, with a new 8"
> scale. I bought the unit for the scale, but was told the readout
> worked on one channel. When I try to use it, however, it does not
> display anything on either channel. I've tired with and without the
> scale attached. The readout will flicker the digits if I try to zero
> the axis. Inside, there appears to be very little that could have
> one wrong, as it seemd to be one main chip per channel, and not much
> else.

If I had one of the Kaluga/Mauch boards around ... or could borrow one I'd try it before I'd fuss with the
Acu-rite. I have a working acu-rite but I acquiried that before I knew about the Kaluga/Mauch. :-(

If you have more questions contact me off line and I will try to test options for you.


> Does anyone know what the common failure on these is? Are they
> worth spending any time on, or am I best just to junk it, and use one
> of the many old PC's I've got laying around for a readout?
> Brad Heuver

Discussion Thread

bheuver@f... 2001-04-08 18:50:26 UTC Accu-Rite III DRO dave engvall 2001-04-08 20:06:00 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Accu-Rite III DRO JanRwl@A... 2001-04-09 16:58:09 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Accu-Rite III DRO diazden 2001-04-09 21:36:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Accu-Rite III DRO Heuver, Brad (B.R.) 2001-04-10 07:15:02 UTC Re: Accu-Rite III DRO Doug Fortune 2001-04-10 07:49:28 UTC Accu-Rite III DRO