CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by Tim Goldstein
on 2001-06-09 16:36:01 UTC
Yes, that is it. You are in preview mode (what you get if you don't have the
"black box" connected) which is called Edit Mode on the Mode menu. To see
the buttons you have to switch to Control Center mode. Just go to the mode
menu and switch modes.

[Denver, CO]

> -----Original Message-----
> Hi Tim,
> Is the below the DeskWNC that you have?
> ______________________________________________________
> DeskNC for Windows
> ______________________________________________________
> File Setup Mode View Home Controller Help
> ______________________________________________________
> MDI[ ][mist off][flood off][CW off][CCW off]
> __________________________________
> | | Edit Mode
> | |[X][Y][Z] [All]
> | |_______________
> | ||X 0.0000 |
> | ||Y 0.0000 |
> | ||Z 0.0000 |
> | ||_____________|
> | |[clear][Next 1000]
> | |[Next ][To Cursor]
> | |[Next10][from cursor]
> | |[next100][all]
> | |[reset [0.0 \/]
> | |________________
> | |FeedRate 0.0 Lim ON
> | | - Overide +
> | |-------|---------
> | |
> | |
> | |
> ___________________________________
> _____________________________________________________
> |No File Loaded |/\|
> | | |
> | |\/|
> _____________________________________________________
> ------------
> <Even the labeling of the jog buttons on the screen is confusing.
> They
> are
> left, right, forward, back, up, down. I would vote for X+, X-, Y+, Y-
> and so>
> Where on the screen are the jog buttons?
> -------------
> Addresses:
> FAQ:

Discussion Thread

afogassa@y... 2001-05-08 10:52:49 UTC Deskwin review Tim Goldstein 2001-05-08 12:24:56 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Deskwin review cadcamcenter@y... 2001-06-09 06:12:25 UTC Deskam DeskNCW afogassa@y... 2001-06-09 10:17:02 UTC Re: Deskam DeskNCW Tim Goldstein 2001-06-09 11:09:16 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Deskam DeskNCW Art Fenerty 2001-06-09 11:37:08 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Deskam DeskNCW afogassa@y... 2001-06-09 11:51:22 UTC Re: Deskam DeskNCW Tim Goldstein 2001-06-09 12:21:49 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Deskam DeskNCW cadcamcenter@y... 2001-06-09 14:48:49 UTC Deskam DeskNCW cadcamcenter@y... 2001-06-09 16:10:33 UTC Deskam DeskNCW Tim Goldstein 2001-06-09 16:36:01 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Deskam DeskNCW M. SHABBIR MOGHUL 2001-06-10 23:21:59 UTC ANY ONE HELP ME cadcamcenter@y... 2001-06-26 19:17:31 UTC Re: Deskam DeskNCW