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Re: Red Hat 5.2

on 1999-09-23 14:02:44 UTC
I finally got a copy of Red Hat 5.2 on CD and installed it. I got PPP
configured and the modem works (I can dial and log on to my ISP) but
Netscape does not find the net. No mater what I try, I get DNS not found. I
can open files on the hard drive but no connection to the net.
What am I doing wrong?

Discussion Thread

Darrell Gehlsen 1999-09-23 14:02:44 UTC Re: Red Hat 5.2 stratton@x... 1999-09-23 14:13:14 UTC Re: Red Hat 5.2 Darrell Gehlsen 1999-09-23 14:36:05 UTC Re: Red Hat 5.2 Paul Corner 1999-09-23 15:30:53 UTC Re: Red Hat 5.2 Paul Corner 1999-09-23 16:11:07 UTC Re: Red Hat 5.2 Darrell Gehlsen 1999-09-23 15:41:00 UTC Re: Red Hat 5.2 Matt Shaver 1999-09-23 16:29:36 UTC Re: Red Hat 5.2 Darrell Gehlsen 1999-09-23 17:25:02 UTC Re: Red Hat 5.2 Jon Elson 1999-09-23 22:26:35 UTC Re: Red Hat 5.2