CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Still a little unclear

Posted by Roger Mason
on 1999-05-20 03:20:33 UTC

Like 124 others I have been lurking and maybe like the others,
getting awfully confused over a lot of the terms and names of programs
and bits of hardware that have been used recently. This posting has
been partly spurred on by Bill's request for us lurkers to put in an

When I saw Don Hughes posting of 19 May, I thought "Aha -
someone else like me", although Don is obviously further advanced
than I am being familiar with G code.

Then I saw Jon's posting of the 20th. This really started to
make the bits come together.

I particularly liked the:

> (in your computer) CAD program outputs DXF file >>> DXF file converted to
> GCode >>> GCode to DeskNC >>> DeskNC to parallel port pins >>> (now we move
> out of the computer) >>> parallel port pins to driver board/amplifier >>>
> driver board/amp to stepper motors >>> stepper motors to translation
> mechanism in your machine
I wonder could someone build on this and indicate how the various
programs and proprietry names that have been floating about fit into
this basic scheme of things.

Maybe it would need a more diagramatic approach, which would lend
itself to a graphical web page, that could, I am sure, be posted

I don't know whether such an approach would help others, but I am
sure that I would have a better insight into the whole business with
such an over-view.

The only problem with getting this better insight, I will be keen
to get going and collect some of the hard ware to have a stab - but I
don't think there is too much in the way of second hand stuff here in
Hong Kong. Maybe I will have to look around during my trip to U.K.
this summer.


Roger Mason, in Hong Kong

Discussion Thread

Don Hughes 1999-05-19 22:22:47 UTC Still a little unclear Jonty50@x... 1999-05-19 22:50:43 UTC Re: Still a little unclear Don Hughes 1999-05-19 23:00:10 UTC Re: Still a little unclear Roger Mason 1999-05-20 03:20:33 UTC Re: Still a little unclear HillofSpud@a... 1999-05-20 05:46:42 UTC Re: Still a little unclear Mark Fraser 1999-05-20 06:21:29 UTC Re: Still a little unclear Dan Mauch 1999-05-20 07:01:44 UTC Re: Still a little unclear Brian Fairey 1999-05-20 08:54:32 UTC Re: Still a little unclear Jonty50@a... 1999-05-20 09:20:00 UTC Re: Still a little unclear Jonty50@a... 1999-05-20 09:20:02 UTC Re: Still a little unclear WAnliker@a... 1999-05-20 09:39:50 UTC Re: Still a little unclear Don Hughes 1999-05-20 10:31:27 UTC Re: Still a little unclear Jon Elson 1999-05-20 11:24:28 UTC Re: Still a little unclear Skarsaune@x... 1999-05-20 18:02:41 UTC Re: Still a little unclear Dan Mauch 1999-05-21 06:08:44 UTC Re: Still a little unclear Buchanan, James (Jim) 1999-05-24 12:29:40 UTC Re: Still a little unclear