Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Low cost limit switch suggestions
Posted by
Robert Allen & Marsha Camp
on 2001-09-04 15:40:00 UTC
Jon Elson wrote:
the table and reset the axes to zero? Will the software realize that you do
not have full x or y travel from this point? The machine I have now ain't
that smart, I've always wondered why but it is a 1983 control.
think I need limits that operate sequentially, first the computer is told to
stop and if I have a drive failure then the power is cut.
> Robert Allen & Marsha Camp wrote:What happens when you home the machine, then move to some other position on
> > If I already have max. travel limits do I need any thing but
> > a home switch?
> Probably not. EMC, at least, has software limits that are referenced
> from the home switch position. The software-sensed limit switches
> would be pretty redundant.
the table and reset the axes to zero? Will the software realize that you do
not have full x or y travel from this point? The machine I have now ain't
that smart, I've always wondered why but it is a 1983 control.
>Does this happen?
> > What are the reasons for having limits the computer can see?
> Reall not much use. About the only time they might be tripped under
> normal use is when a home search goes the wrong way.
> You couldTrue, but it would still shut off the motor power losing the last position. I
> probably come up with a way that the limit switches could both
> give individual signals to the computer and provide an E-stop
> signal too. That is really an or-gate type function.
think I need limits that operate sequentially, first the computer is told to
stop and if I have a drive failure then the power is cut.
Discussion Thread
Robert Allen & Marsha Camp
2001-09-04 07:18:41 UTC
Low cost limit switch suggestions
2001-09-04 08:53:26 UTC
Re: Low cost limit switch suggestions
Jon Elson
2001-09-04 10:40:23 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Low cost limit switch suggestions
Brian Pitt
2001-09-04 11:07:35 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Low cost limit switch suggestions
Robert Allen & Marsha Camp
2001-09-04 15:40:00 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Low cost limit switch suggestions
Robert Allen & Marsha Camp
2001-09-04 15:44:32 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Low cost limit switch suggestions
William Scalione
2001-09-04 16:42:21 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Low cost limit switch suggestions
William Scalione
2001-09-04 16:47:50 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Low cost limit switch suggestions
2001-09-04 17:16:54 UTC
Re: Low cost limit switch suggestions
2001-09-04 17:20:45 UTC
Re: Low cost limit switch suggestions
2001-09-04 17:21:56 UTC
Re: Low cost limit switch suggestions
Jon Elson
2001-09-04 21:24:37 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Low cost limit switch suggestions