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Stepper Motor Driver Help Needed

Posted by Matt Shaver
on 1999-10-13 00:27:04 UTC
I'm basically finished with my retrofit of an old Bridgeport BOSS6 using the
original stepper motors and a Camtronics 5A 3 axis driver board. My problem
is that my top speed is about 12-15 inches per minute. I think the problem is
that I don't have a high enough output voltage to accelerate those giant
motors. It's my fault, Dan Mauch did say that he thought that I would find
this setup to be underpowered for my application, but I thought I might
squeeze by since the original supply voltage was 56V and I've got 40V now. I
also lowered the value of the current sense resistors on the Camtronics board
to allow running at more than 5A. I'm set up at 7A now and I don't have any
overheating problems at all, but I don't have the performance I need either.
What I've done is apply a 40V/5A solution to an 80V/10A problem. Anyway
(there is a point to this), I have a couple of questions:

1. Can anyone recommend a source of high power bipolar stepper motor drivers
and the associated power supply, preferably cheap? I don't need
microstepping, half stepping would be fine and I'd even consider a good full
step only solution if the price was right, however it seems that most all the
drivers have half step capabilities at a minimum. I've looked at Ahha
(microstepping & expensive, but really nice) and Microkinetics (gonna call in
the morning, I mean like when it gets light outside...) I'd prefer something
off the shelf (I know, bend over...) since I'd like to wrap this project up
and move on to my next fiasco.

2. Anyone wanna buy a complete Camtronics 5A 3 axis stepper driver system
already built with fans, power supply, and a really spiffy mounting bracket
(I'll post a picture later)?


Matt (soon to be about $1500 poorer) Shaver

Discussion Thread

Matt Shaver 1999-10-13 00:27:04 UTC Stepper Motor Driver Help Needed Al Schoepp 1999-10-13 08:16:37 UTC Re: Stepper Motor Driver Help Needed Darrell Gehlsen 1999-10-13 09:02:05 UTC Re: Stepper Motor Driver Help Needed Paul Corner 1999-10-13 13:49:03 UTC Re: Stepper Motor Driver Help Needed Jon Elson 1999-10-13 16:28:01 UTC Re: Stepper Motor Driver Help Needed Darrell Gehlsen 1999-10-13 17:38:33 UTC Re: Stepper Motor Driver Help Needed Matt Shaver 1999-10-13 23:20:23 UTC Re: Stepper Motor Driver Help Needed