CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: EMC running at last!

Posted by Ian Wright
on 1999-11-02 12:39:02 UTC
Hi Clint,

One suggestion - have you got a printer or anything else plugged into the
parallel port? This will stop things working and give you the red figures as
I fould out early on after half an hour's head scratching wondering why it
worked in the morning but not in the afternoon after I'd done a bit of word

Ian W. Wright
Sheffield UK

----- Original Message -----
From: Clint Bach <clintbach@...>

> I have one last hurdle (or maybe only a few more hurdles!). I do not
> have the computer hooked up to an actual machine yet and I can't get the
> estop to reset. I presume the system thinks I have hit a limit switch
> or something. The axis fonts are red... Not the green of a ready to go
> system. I presume there is a place to tell the program how to behave
> but I don't know where that is. I would guess in the emc.ini file. I
> will be running a stepper motor system with limit switches. The machine
> is already up and running with AHHA controls but I haven't made a new
> cable for the parallel port to convert to emc yet. I predict that will
> be the easy part. I want to check out emc before I actually connect the
> machine.

Discussion Thread

Clint Bach 1999-11-02 06:14:03 UTC EMC running at last! Jon Elson 1999-11-02 10:38:49 UTC Re: EMC running at last! Ian Wright 1999-11-02 12:39:02 UTC Re: EMC running at last! Clint Bach 1999-11-02 10:23:34 UTC Re: EMC running at last! Dan Falck 1999-11-02 18:30:21 UTC Re: EMC running at last! Dan Falck 1999-11-02 19:21:09 UTC Re: EMC running at last! Matt Shaver 1999-11-02 19:41:41 UTC Re: EMC running at last! Dan Falck 1999-11-02 20:50:14 UTC Re: EMC running at last! Clint Bach 1999-11-03 02:55:10 UTC Re: EMC running at last!