Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RE: question for potential Gecko 320/340 users
Posted by
Jon Elson
on 2002-03-25 11:10:37 UTC
Steve Stallings wrote:
schematic on for the
entire emergency circuit. Most of this is to handle the
quirky watchdog timer function on the Servo-to-Go
card. There is a current loop running through a chain of
normall closed contacts on e-stop buttons and relay
contacts in the servo amps. When any contact opens,
it breaks the chain, and an opto-coupler detects this
and commands an E-stop through hardware. It signals
the comuter an E-stop has happened, but it also kills
+5 V power to the Opto-22 rack, so that the spindle,
servo power and coolant, etc. is shut off.
There is a green LED that is lit whenever the safety chain is
closed, so when it doesn't come out of E-stop, you can
tell at a glance that the chain has a fault contact open
I have incorporated the same logic into both my PPMC servo
card set and the universal stepper controller card.
> Oops... reading my own post, it was confusing....Ah. You might look at my current scheme, see the first
> The feedback that I am referring to is the FAULT
> signal, not encoder feedback signals.
schematic on for the
entire emergency circuit. Most of this is to handle the
quirky watchdog timer function on the Servo-to-Go
card. There is a current loop running through a chain of
normall closed contacts on e-stop buttons and relay
contacts in the servo amps. When any contact opens,
it breaks the chain, and an opto-coupler detects this
and commands an E-stop through hardware. It signals
the comuter an E-stop has happened, but it also kills
+5 V power to the Opto-22 rack, so that the spindle,
servo power and coolant, etc. is shut off.
There is a green LED that is lit whenever the safety chain is
closed, so when it doesn't come out of E-stop, you can
tell at a glance that the chain has a fault contact open
I have incorporated the same logic into both my PPMC servo
card set and the universal stepper controller card.
Discussion Thread
Steve Stallings
2002-03-25 09:55:29 UTC
question for potential Gecko 320/340 users
Steve Stallings
2002-03-25 09:59:23 UTC
RE: question for potential Gecko 320/340 users
2002-03-25 10:37:58 UTC
RE: question for potential Gecko 320/340 users
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2002-03-25 10:57:57 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] question for potential Gecko 320/340 users
Jon Elson
2002-03-25 11:04:09 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] question for potential Gecko 320/340 users
Jon Elson
2002-03-25 11:10:37 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RE: question for potential Gecko 320/340 users
2002-03-27 11:36:06 UTC
Re: question for potential Gecko 320/340 users - updated
Steve Stallings
2002-03-29 02:16:05 UTC
RE: question for potential Gecko 320/340 users - updated
2002-03-30 15:24:05 UTC
Re: question for potential Gecko 320/340 users - updated
2002-04-06 07:26:57 UTC
Re: question for potential Gecko 320/340 users - updated