CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Matching Microsteps to moters

Posted by aspaguy
on 2002-04-01 22:24:24 UTC
Hi Jon, Tim, Mariss, others,
All this talk about microstep accuracy and smoothness has gotten me
thinking about my compumoter steppers. My Moters are compumoter c
series which came as part of a package which included the moters and
cx drivers, which I can't use for my project since they use
compumoter X language instead of step & direction signals. They may
have provided me with a valuable piece of info however. These drivers
are 12800 microstep drives. The Geckos are as I understand it are
2000 microstep drives (200 steps x 10 micro per step if I'm thinking
correctly). This didn't concern me untill now as I have heard so much
about how smooth the geckos make your machine perform. Now I see that
Tims API drives have a 12800 setting, and after reading the previous
posts I wonder if these might run smoother with my moters that were
designed to run with 12800 microsteps. Will my moters run poorly with
Geckos? With everything Mariss does here, including designing
circuits for plasma controls etc. I prefer to purchase Geckos, But if
my moters are not going to like them, maybe I should grab some APIs
while I can, and next time purchase moters that will be compatable
with geckos.
Any Thoughts from the experts?
Thanks, Dale

Discussion Thread

aspaguy 2002-04-01 22:24:24 UTC Matching Microsteps to moters William Scalione 2002-04-02 05:36:53 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Matching Microsteps to moters Carol & Jerry Jankura 2002-04-02 06:49:33 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Matching Microsteps to moters Jon Elson 2002-04-02 10:43:17 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Matching Microsteps to moters aspaguy 2002-04-02 20:42:45 UTC Re: Matching Microsteps to moters aspaguy 2002-04-02 20:48:35 UTC Re: Matching Microsteps to moters aspaguy 2002-04-03 19:47:26 UTC Re: Matching Microsteps to moters Mariss? TimG? Ballendo? aspaguy 2002-04-03 19:48:24 UTC Re: Matching Microsteps to moters