CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors

Posted by Darrell
on 2000-01-10 11:21:33 UTC
The "jitter" problem should not be to hard for the Bridgeport because even
at half stepping maximum step rate at rapid would only be 3200 -3600 steps
per second so you should be able to slow the timing down and not stress the
RT system.

----- Original Message -----
From: Matt Shaver <mshaver@...>
> 3. Darrell also said, "I think the main thing in using these drivers is
> getting the timing correct in EMC." This is something I have yet to be
> to do, and is a problem that Fred has been working on for some time now.
> Without going into all the details the problem is that there is a some
> in the step output of the EMC. Generating the step pulses stresses the
> time part of the software considerably and much work has been going on to
> reduce the jitter. Ahha (and Flashcut also) uses external hardware to
> this problem, but I am reluctant to adopt that approach until the
> only" approach has been thoroughly developed. Other "software only"
> avoid the problem by going into a tight loop in their program with only
> periodic polling of the keyboard buffer to check user input. This option
> unavailable to us as we want to multiprocess and keep Xwindows alive, etc.
> The problem comes in when you try to control a large machine (like a
> Bridgeport) at high speeds (60+ inches/minute or thereabouts). Since the
> torque output of stepper motors drops with speed, any timing variations in
> the step rate (at high speed) can lead into resonance problems or
> Fred has made some good progress lately and will have an improved version
> the stepper software available in the near future.
> Matt
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Discussion Thread

Charles Hopkins 2000-01-09 16:48:51 UTC SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Darrell 2000-01-10 00:04:09 UTC Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Dan Mauch 2000-01-10 08:20:40 UTC Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Matt Shaver 2000-01-10 10:50:52 UTC Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Darrell 2000-01-10 11:21:33 UTC Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Jon Elson 2000-01-10 12:23:51 UTC Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Darrell 2000-01-10 12:43:02 UTC Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Harrison, Doug 2000-01-10 13:24:06 UTC RE: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Jon Elson 2000-01-10 16:39:57 UTC Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Matt Shaver 2000-01-10 17:53:53 UTC Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Harrison, Doug 2000-01-10 18:10:24 UTC RE: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Les Watts 2000-01-10 20:29:23 UTC Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Jon Elson 2000-01-10 23:21:26 UTC Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Jim Fackert 2000-01-10 15:43:57 UTC Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors tyler@g... 2000-01-11 09:48:30 UTC Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Jon Elson 2000-01-11 12:16:58 UTC Re: Re: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors Harrison, Doug 2000-01-11 12:21:53 UTC RE: SLO-SYN 12.7 Amp motors