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Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: BDI question

on 2002-08-15 10:10:31 UTC

When you did the install, it asked for a password. You need to use
that password when you log in. You won't see anything when you
type the password as it is a security feature. In the first box when
it asks for user name type 'root' and put the password in the password
box and hit enter. that should do it. When using linux some things to
know are Linux is case sensitive. linux is different than LiNuX. So
if your password was originally typed in lower case you must enter it
the same way. Also linux is designed as a multi user system. Each user
will have a login name and password. Each user can see and use only
the files that the system administrator says he can use. Any files one
user creates will be seen only by that user and no others, except the
system administrator, he sees all. By logging in as root, that makes you
the system administrator, and gives you special powers. Sort of like
a super hero, only it's called superuser. Without some changes, EMC
will only run if you log in as root.

When you do the login part, do you see a graphical login or is it a text
type login. In other words does it look like a DOS screen, or do you see
the RedHat guy on a blue screen? If you only see the text type screen,
after login type 'startx' (without the quotes) to start up the graphical
interface we have all grown so used to. Pretty similar to windows, play
around with it for a while and see how you like it. One thing about linux,
is, if you don't like it it can be changed to about 100 different ways, but
we'll leave that for later. Also remember linux requires only 1 mouse click,
if you click on an icon 2 times you will get 2 instances of that program
trying to run.

Sounds like you are on your way.


> Bill,
> Ok, I've gotten it installed,my problem now is when the BDI EMC for
> linux screen comes up. In the log in section I can type in
> information but in the password section it won't accept any
> carracters. So I can't get any further.
> Richard

Discussion Thread

rekmac 2002-08-13 18:44:07 UTC BDI question William Scalione 2002-08-13 20:50:53 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] BDI question rekmac 2002-08-14 04:47:08 UTC Re: BDI question William Scalione 2002-08-14 10:38:14 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: BDI question rekmac 2002-08-14 12:36:45 UTC Re: BDI question William Scalione 2002-08-14 16:24:18 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: BDI question Ray Henry 2002-08-15 04:20:58 UTC Re: Re: Re: BDI question rekmac 2002-08-15 05:52:05 UTC Re: BDI question rekmac 2002-08-15 06:09:51 UTC Re: BDI question rekmac 2002-08-15 07:47:15 UTC Re: BDI question Gene 2002-08-15 09:57:21 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: BDI question William Scalione 2002-08-15 10:10:31 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: BDI question Jon Elson 2002-08-15 11:04:21 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: BDI question rekmac 2002-08-15 11:18:22 UTC Re: BDI question William Scalione 2002-08-15 11:55:01 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: BDI question Ray Henry 2002-08-15 17:38:35 UTC Re: Re: BDI question