CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Use a scope to determine overvoltage needed for stepper motors

Posted by Ted Robbins
on 2000-01-28 12:11:24 UTC
agree with all the people who swear by Tektronix, but here are a couple
of concerns.

1: It must be a dual trace scope, or have a dual trace plug in. A single
trace scope is not worth your investment, since in the used market
capabilities are not usually related to price.

2: Frequency, or its relation - Risetime, is really important. A 60
megaheartz scope will give you more than enough speed for servo or stepper
system analysis, but it will not give you enough for looking at current
high speed logic signals. It will do pretty much anything you want to do
with machine tools, though.

3: Make sure it uses probes with BNC connectors, rather than high
frequency connectors, because the probes wear out and you want to be able
to buy them from aftermarket suppliers or to fabricate them yourself - both
cheaper than going into the Ford Dealer for a part.


At 09:47 AM 1/28/00 -0700, you wrote:
>From: "Tim Goldstein" <timg@...>
>I hear your comment
>> Buying a scope is very interesting and is a great troubleshooting tool.
>I am actively considering getting a scope even though I am electronically
>challenged. I have no clue what I should consider as required features. From
>shopping around it seems that buying a used one will give me the most bang
>for the buck. Can you give any advice on shopping for a scope, what I should
>look for, what I should avoid?
>Thanks in advance,
>[Denver, CO]
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Discussion Thread

Walter McCarthy 2000-01-28 08:30:58 UTC Use a scope to determine overvoltage needed for stepper motors Tim Goldstein 2000-01-28 08:47:56 UTC Re: Use a scope to determine overvoltage needed for stepper motors paul@A... 2000-01-28 09:45:05 UTC Re: Use a scope to determine overvoltage needed for stepper motors Darrell 2000-01-28 10:16:15 UTC Re: Use a scope to determine overvoltage needed for stepper motors Charles VanLeeuwen 2000-01-28 10:34:07 UTC Re: Use a scope to determine overvoltage needed for stepper motors Marshall Pharoah 2000-01-28 11:42:49 UTC Re: Use a scope to determine overvoltage needed for stepper motors Ted Robbins 2000-01-28 12:11:24 UTC Re: Use a scope to determine overvoltage needed for stepper motors