CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

1/8" Spindle - brainstorming

Posted by vrsculptor
on 2002-09-18 21:19:07 UTC
I had a good idea that I don't quite know how to pull off. My mill
will handle a 1" end mill. I was thinking that if I could fabricate
a spindle with a 1" OD and a shaft with a 1/8" collet I could chuck
it in the end mill holder. You could power it through a cog belt
from a router motor mounted on the mill's spindle. This would give
me the ability to mount a high speed spindle for small tools without
loosing my x/y position. Height could be handled through tool length
compensation. To the mill its just a tool change. Probably not
continuous duty but OK for my playing.

Some problems are:
* Where can I find a spindle with a collet mount. I like this one
but its OD is too large:
* Can you fit enough shaft and bearings in the 1" OD to be rigid
enough to use? I think the taig spindle is almost 2".

Any thoughts?


Discussion Thread

vrsculptor 2002-09-18 21:19:07 UTC 1/8" Spindle - brainstorming Brian Punkar 2002-09-19 00:33:56 UTC Re: 1/8" Spindle - brainstorming Marv Frankel 2002-09-19 03:46:11 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: 1/8" Spindle - brainstorming JJ 2002-09-19 06:07:16 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] 1/8" Spindle - brainstorming caudlet 2002-09-19 07:38:51 UTC Re: 1/8" Spindle - brainstorming