CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help?

on 2002-12-13 13:42:48 UTC
I just got my xylotex 3 axis driver board in the mail today. I also
have 3 RapidSyn motors, 2.5v, 2.5amps.

I used the search function on the board to determine what kind of
power supply to use, honestly, I'm lost again. Rectifiers, uF's, Caps
and regulated, unregulated my head is spinning.

Can someone dumb this down for me? I want to know if I can go to the
Radio Shack and get a "Wall Wart" (figured that one out on my own:) )
To drive these things? I won't require a lot of torque from them, as
for now they'll (hopefully) just be spinning freely on my desk.

Also, months ago, I had a web site bookmarked that would help me
figure out the wiring on the stepper motor. It told you where to put
your meter to figure out what wire was most likely what, to get you
started. Anyways it's a dead link now. The xylotex has 4 places for
wires, the motor has 6 wires.


Discussion Thread

volitan712003 <volitan@o... 2002-12-13 13:42:48 UTC Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? JanRwl@A... 2002-12-13 14:08:30 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? JanRwl@A... 2002-12-13 14:12:14 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? turbulatordude <davemucha@j... 2002-12-13 15:00:04 UTC Re: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? jeffalanp <xylotex@h... 2002-12-13 15:06:42 UTC Re: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? volitan712003 <volitan@o... 2002-12-13 16:44:17 UTC Re: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? jeffalanp <xylotex@h... 2002-12-13 18:33:21 UTC Re: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? turbulatordude <davemucha@j... 2002-12-13 18:42:01 UTC Re: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? Ron Yost 2002-12-13 18:59:43 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? jeffalanp <xylotex@h... 2002-12-13 19:09:49 UTC Re: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? volitan712003 <volitan@o... 2002-12-14 11:48:44 UTC Re: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? Andrew Werby 2002-12-14 13:03:56 UTC Re: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? turbulatordude <davemucha@j... 2002-12-14 13:05:41 UTC Re: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? turbulatordude <davemucha@j... 2002-12-14 13:08:28 UTC SERVO ratings, ( was e: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? volitan712003 <volitan@o... 2002-12-14 17:24:58 UTC Re: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? Jon Elson 2002-12-14 21:22:02 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] SERVO ratings, ( was e: Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? George Erhart 2002-12-16 05:22:34 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Xylotex / RapidSyn/ Power Supply help? Nigel Bailey 2002-12-16 07:47:06 UTC Stepper motor drivers - sugestion Dan Mauch 2002-12-16 08:41:30 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Stepper motor drivers - sugestion Alan Marconett KM6VV 2002-12-17 14:59:59 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Stepper motor drivers - sugestion